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An Evening of Remembrance

Lights of Love is a special evening of remembrance to honor the lives of those we love. By choosing one of the participation options, you not only honor your loved one, but you also help provide compassionate, individualized care to those coping with end-of-life issues by supporting the mission of Shepherd’s Cove Hospice.


Our annual Lights of Love tree is now virtual! Sponsor a light on the virtual tree in memory or honor of someone you know. Find the tree here. Click on it to share your loved one’s name and a special thought, memory or message about them in the virtual memory book that accompanies their light on the tree. We will send that person or their family a card to let them know about your kind gesture and information on how they can see the light and your message.


This new virtual option gives more people the opportunity to participate and see the light of their loved one shining brightly, no matter where they are located. You can also easily share it on your own personal social media accounts, too.


Participation Options:



Virtual tree + Luminary + Memorial bag with grief support information,

a memorial craft kit, and some edible goodies



Virtual tree + Luminary + Memorial bag + Memorial Ornament

you can customize at home, and some edible goodies



Virtual tree + Luminary + Memorial bag + ornament + mini cedar tree to

take home and plant in your own yard in memory of your loved one, and some edible goodies



Changes to this year’s event...

While we previously enjoyed opening our doors to families in our community during Lights of Love, to ensure the health and safety of all, the official Lights of Love event on Dec. 8 will be drive-through only. We invite you to swing by our facility to view the Field of Love luminary display and pick up a Memorial bag with all kinds of goodies and information to help you cope with grief and bring a little extra happiness during the holiday season. 

Holidays are hard.
You don't have to grieve alone. The Shepherd's Cove Grief Support team will walk alongside you on your grief journey. For a free, downloadable packet on information about coping with grief during the holiday season, click here.
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